Abundant Consolation by Christ

Thursday 30th August, 2018
Words of Life Daily Devotional
Abundant Consolation by Christ
Memory Verse: - 2Co 1:5 for as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.
Bible Reading: - 2 Co 1: 1 – 24
Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God will deliver us from them all. He that will live godly and righteously in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution for Christ himself said in this life you will have tribulations; but be of good cheers for I have overcome the world.
The world hates Christ and persecutes him to the point of death and he said if they persecute me they will persecute you. If a soul was by the grace of God translated from satanic kingdom into the kingdom of God; the world will react and will persecute the preachers of the word as well as repentant sinner. This they do to demoralize both the evangelist and the saved one.
Paul was one of Christ’s apostles that went through fierce and cruel persecutions. He said we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that they despaired even life; but the more they were persecuted, the more consolation, comfort and relief they received from Christ because he is Emmanuel – God with us; he is there always by your side to comfort and console you in trials and temptation having gone through the same himself.
I know of a brother in the church I once pastured some years ago who was made stronger as a result of persecution. He endured beatings and cruel torment from his parents because of his faith in Christ. But in all these I discovered that the more he was persecuted, the stronger he becomes in things of God; today he is pasturing a church himself because he was comforted and consoled by Christ himself.
A big tree you climb today and rest under its shadow on sunny days have gone through a lot of endurance of storms and scourging of sun which made them strong. Trials, persecutions, delay in answers to prayers and afflictions should make you stronger in faith. But if you back off as result of tribulation, then your strength is small.
Pr 24:10 says if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Adverse conditions – persecutions and trials are cross we must bear as followers of Christ; therefore, don’t cringe, crouch, wince or grabble when you are confronted by trials and persecution. Listen to Christ at such a time, obey his voice, pray more and you will discover that his consolation, relief and comfort abounds where tribulation aboundeth. We shall by much tribulation enter into heaven; hence carry your cross daily and follow Christ our master leading against the foes.
Confession of the Day
I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back; the cross before me and the world behind me; no turning back.
Prayer Points
Christ my master I ask for your divine strength to endure any form of tribulation that comes my way as your follower; help me not to jettison you, cringe or grabble; but give me more grace to stand fast to the end.


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