Words of Life Daily Devotional
MEMORY VERSE: - Gen 33:10 And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me.
BIBLE READING: - Gen 33: 1 – 20
The prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 did not expect his father to fall on his neck, kiss and embrace him because of what he had done, but the compassionate father welcome him far above his expectation all because he returned from his own ways back to the control and leadership of the father.
The description of Jacob in Genesis chapter 33: 10 was in consonance with the above description; meaning if a rebellious child returns to God in genuine repentance begging for forgiveness; God will in no wise cast him out. He will abundantly pardon him and adopt him into his family. He becomes a joint heir with saints and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jacob having prayed very well did not expect that Esau could meet him with compassionate heart. This is nothing but God’s deed; he had touched Esau and melts his heart so much that the gracious work of God was manifested through the embrace and kissing rather than strife, fighting and killing each other.
If you have this type of problem with anybody, remember to do what Jacob did – he went himself alone to a separate place and wrestled it out with God in prayer; then prevailed with man and God.
The heart of the king belongs unto God and as rivers of water, He turns it withersoever he wills. So before you plead with man, talk to God about the man and God who does not change will go before you to solve the problem.
In addition, no matter how grievous, appalling, severe and disastrous your sins may be, God is ready to forgive and accept you into his family and kingdom if you are ready to confess and forsake your sins and accept the Lordship of Jesus who is your sin bearer and the only mediator between God and man.
To see the face of God in this context means to find grace before God. God is gracious, very rich in mercy and grace and will give to everyone according to his need for the scripture says where sin abounded grace is much more abound.
Jacob obtained this gracious act of God through prayers. If there anybody who always antagonizes you and hates you with a deadly passion, your prayer of intercession can melt his heart if offered in holiness and righteousness.
Confession of the Day
His grace is sufficient to carry me through day in day out, till I see him in glory.
Prayer Points
God deliver me from my real and faceless enemies.
Grant me grace to live for you in all ramifications.


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