Words of Life Daily Devotional
MEMORY VERSE: Mk 7:20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.
BIBLE READING: - Mark 7: 1 – 23

Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are issues of life [Prov 4: 23]. Defiling thoughts come from the heart of man. Before embarking on any evil and sinful acts, you would have meditated on it from your heart for things you do come from therein. That is the engine house, processing unit of your actions. God said the thought of the heart of man is evil continually [Gen 6: 5].
These kinds of defiling thoughts are enjoyed by those that have not known the Lord, those who have not given their lives to Him or those that have fake experience of salvation.
At salvation you are born of God and all things about you become new, you are renewed in your inner man and you thought and imaginations become new. You no longer enjoy defiling thoughts because a measure of God’s spirit is now in you. At this time defiling thoughts no longer have any grip on you for the scriptures says for sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law but under grace [Rom 6:14].
Jesus had destroyed the works of the devil and this is why anybody that has been translated into the kingdom of God through spiritual birth can have dominion over his thought by the grace of God.
Whenever devil throws a defiling thought at you as a child of God, the spirit of God in you rises up against it and it cannot stand. There are a lot of people walking naked around us today; they refuse to cover things that should be covered, a mere looking at them can provoke a defiling thought in you, but a genuine child of God cannot nurse such thoughts; because the spirit or nature of God in them will not allow it and they cannot enjoy looking or meditating on it.
Examine yourself in relation to this explanation and if you see yourself enjoying such defiling thoughts, you need to go back to the cross for cleansing and purging. God had sent Christ to die for our deliverance from these evil imaginations and impure thoughts. You need to go to Christ in faith to ask for your salvation and deliverance; allow him to be your Lord, allow him to take lead, just yield and follow and you will be free.
Confession of the Day
I am under the dispensation of grace; sin, sickness, self and Satan shall not have dominion over me.


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