THURSDAY MARCH 1, 2018 Words of Life Daily Devotional DEFILEMENT DESTROYED MEMORY VERSE: Mk 7:20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. BIBLE READING: - Mark 7: 1 – 23 MESSAGE Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are issues of life [Prov 4: 23]. Defiling thoughts come from the heart of man. Before embarking on any evil and sinful acts, you would have meditated on it from your heart for things you do come from therein. That is the engine house, processing unit of your actions. God said the thought of the heart of man is evil continually [Gen 6: 5]. These kinds of defiling thoughts are enjoyed by those that have not known the Lord, those who have not given their lives to Him or those that have fake experience of salvation. At salvation you are born of God and all things about you become new, you are renewed in your inner man and you thought and imaginations become new. You no longer enjoy defiling thoughts because a measu...