The Power Has a Purpose
November 28, 2017
...And the power of the Lord was present to heal them.I remember an Assembly of God traveling minister who received a thrilling revelation concerning the power of God.
(Luke 5:17)
One Saturday night, he was ministering in a certain church. As the congregation was singing, he was sitting on the platform. Suddenly, a surge of power came into the little church room and went through his body.
He could have jumped up and started shouting, but he didn't. He just held steady. They kept on singing, and a surge of power swept over the whole crowd.
"The third time, that power swept over me again," he said, "I could have shouted, jumped, run, or done all three at one time! I literally had to hold on to the pew to keep myself down. It seemed like I was going to float away."
He said to the Lord, "I know You must have some purpose for this other than for me to just shout and have a good time in the Lord. I believe in shouting, but no one else is shouting right now. They're all singing. What is the purpose?"
About that time, the front doors of the church opened, and a woman in a wheelchair was pushed in. He watched as they pushed her down the aisle and set her almost in front of him.
He shared, "The Spirit of God said, 'That's what I want you to use that power for.'" And I found myself rising up right in the middle of the song service, pointing to her, and saying, 'Sister, arise and walk in Jesus' Name.' As God is my witness, she got up and walked out of that chair!"
He learned later that she had been in that chair for several years. She'd had two strokes and was paralyzed. Doctors said that she would be that way until her dying day. But there she was walking up and down the aisle!
I believe that the power of God is present to heal me. I release my faith in God and receive healing.Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications
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