Have You Checked Up From God?

Wednesday August 31, 2016

Have You Checked Up From God?

- JOB 10:1-8

Key Verse:

"I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore thou contendest with me" (Job 10:2).
Whenever we sense that things seem not to be going on well with us as they should, there is need for us to stop and do a checkup. We know very well that God is true to His promises and will not change in all that He has promised His people. But when the people of God are experiencing otherwise, it is reasonable to find out what could have been the cause. Job had had a very unpleasant experience. It was one not consistent with someone of his caliber who had been described as one who feared God and eschewed evil. He personally could not understand why this had to be. He had done a check on himself and could not see where in particular he had sinned against God. He knew that whatever his own human, limited eyes could not see, God obviously, is all-knowing and will certainly see. As he pleaded for God to show him where he had erred, why God was contending with him, he was also quick to ask for mercy - that God should not condemn him. Job's unfortunate experience was a test of his faith and love for God. We must learn from his attitude in suffering. When we go through experiences that we seem not to understand, we should not be quick to blame God or think He is unfaithful. God cannot be unfaithful. When we checkup, we may find out that God is either displeased because of something that we have done wrong or He is just trying our faith. Whether our pain is a chastisement or a trial of our faith, the end is to bring out the best in us if we have the right attitude to it. Understanding who God is and the consistency of His nature will help us to know that He cannot allow us to suffer unjustly.
Thought for the day: God cannot allow you to suffer unjustly.
Bible Reading in one Year: PSALM 68 - 71


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