D.C.L.M. DAILY MANNA WEDNESDAY 9TH MAY, 2018 STERLING LEADERSHIP TEXT: GENESIS 47:13-31 KEY VERSE: “And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we shall be Pharaoh’s servants” (GENESIS 47:25). “No one needs aspire to leadership in the work of God who is not willing to pay the price greater than his/her contemporaries and colleagues are willing to pay. The more effective the leader is, the higher the price to be paid”, said J Oswald. Joseph stands out as an enduring proof of what the grace of God can do for a perfect, upright and diligent child of God. The expected season of the lean kine finally came. Pharaoh was prepared only because of Joseph’s astuteness in the management of the trust conferred upon him. He started to alleviate the suffering of masses by exchanging corn for money, then corn for land. In an uncanny display of shrewdness, he ultimately transferred the national wealth and citizens to the crown and saved ...
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