February 28 PROMISE OF PROTECTION Read Psalm 91. Paul said, in writing to the Church “. . . ye are God’s husbandry [garden, farm], ye are God’s building” (1 Cor. 3:9). That means we belong to God. Now, if you have a building worth anything, even your own home, you are going to protect it every way you possibly can. And God, in His Holy Word, has promised us protection. I think the greatest such promise is Psalm 91. Many years ago, I read this Psalm from a Swedish translation. I found that verse 10 translated in the King James Version as “There shall no evil befall thee . . . ,” was translated in the Swedish version as, “There shall no accident overtake thee . . . .” I researched it and found that this meaning is, indeed, included in the original text. I then claimed this protection. Some years later, I did some checking and found that I had driven nearly two million miles preaching the Gospel without having a single accident! Understand, I’m not bragging on my driving; I’m bragging on ...