"Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled." (Matt. 5:6).
Hear this: Spiritual hunger is the key to spiritual treasures.
Beloved, I welcome you to another new and blessed loaded day. It is a day of accessing great and divine treasures. This week God shall baptize you with a fresh hunger for Him. It is an established fact that the knowledge of the truth guarantees the insight that changes life and destiny. There are many people
who claim to have known the truth, but they have not yet interacted with it.
Until you come to the knowledge of truth just like a man knows his wife, there may be life products you may not bring forth into manifestation. I pray for you that His knowledge of the truth that will bring a change in your life shall be revealed to you in this season in Jesus Name.
Now; the question is, what is it that causes a man to know the truth? How do you access the truth or the word of God? According to our anchor scripture, it is the hunger that gives you access to insight. This is not the hunger for physical food but for the word of God. Hunger for God and His word is the secret of insight.
Note: Spiritual hunger is the key to spiritual treasure. Every time treasure must be accessed in the spirit, there must be a spiritual hunger that gives you access to that treasure. One reason why we do not have the same realm of access to the word is because we do not have the same level of hunger. What people are hungry for differs. That is why we do not have the same level of access to spiritual virtues. Psalm 81:10 says "I am the LORD thy God; which
brought thee out of the land of Egypt: Open thy mouth wide; and I will fill
it". So your degree of hunger determines your degree of filling with spiritual virtues, even physical blessings.
In our passage, we see the heart cry of a man who hungered and thirst for God. The heart cry of a man who wants God more than anything else, that is the type of spiritual hunger that guarantees an insight that changes life. I see such hunger coming upon you now and your life shall never remain the same after now in Jesus Name.
My counsel: Make up your mind to develop a deep hunger for God and His word to access His treasures. Make hunger for God your first priority in life.
Remember: Spiritual hunger is the key to spiritual treasures.
May the LORD give you the baptism of spiritual hunger afresh in this season in Jesus name.
1. Thank you LORD for your word for me today. I ask for a fresh baptism
of hunger for you.
2. LORD, give me insight to the truth that will change my life for better.
3. Every ungodly hunger inside me be uprooted from the root and roasted by fire in Jesus name.
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