Praying the Power Down

April 12
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the
church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with
oil in the name of the Lord.—JAMES 5:14
Praying the Power Down
My wife and I had just moved into the parsonage of a Full
Gospel church in the blackland of northcentral Texas. There
was a knock on the door. I went to the door and a little cotton-
headed—blond-haired—boy stood there. He said, “Momma wants
you to come and pray for her. She’s sick.” Well, I didn’t recognize him. So I said, “Who is Momma?” He
told me and I recognized the name. She was one of my Sunday
school teachers. I said, “Son, you stand right there. I’ll put on
my tie and coat, and you can show me to your house.” I was a
stranger in town and I didn’t know my way around. So he took
me to his house.
I had a little bottle of olive oil in my pocket that I used to
anoint people when I prayed for them. I took it out and anointed
the woman’s forehead. I knelt by the bed and prayed. Then I
said, “In Jesus’ Name. Amen,” and I got up and started to go.
She stopped me, saying, “Brother B. [the former pastor of this
Full Gospel church] always prayed until the power fell.” Well, I was new in Full Gospel circles. So I thought, Maybe
that’s the way they do it. So I got back down on my knees. I’d
never prayed the power down before. I didn’t even know you
could pray it down. After about an hour and a half, the power of
God fell on us. The whole room was energized with the power of
God. The woman shook just like someone who was holding an
electrical wire. I’d prayed down the power. So I got up and went
It is scriptural for someone to anoint me with oil and pray the
prayer of faith. James 5:15 says, “And the prayer of faith shall
save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. . . .”


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