God Will Heal You

August 18
When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, THOU CANST make me clean.—MATTHEW 8:1–2
God Will Heal You
Notice what the leper said: “Thou canst.” We would say today, “You’re able to.” You see, he already believed that Jesus was
able to do it. But he wasn’t sure if Jesus was willing to do it. Then Jesus put forth His hand, touched him, and said, “I will”
(Matt. 8:3). Jesus never said, “I won’t.” Of all the people who ever came to Jesus for healing, Jesus never said, “It’s not My will to heal you. God’s trying to teach you a lesson. You just be patient in this, and let patience have her perfect work.” Not one single time did Jesus ever say that. And no man has any right to say it to others in His Name, because Jesus Himself never said it. Settle on God’s willingness to heal you. He not only can, but He will! So don’t just believe that He can; believe that He will!
God desires to heal me. I believe that He is not only ABLE to do it, but He is also WILLING to do it.


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