God Is Still in the Healing Business

February 25 2021
. . . for I am the Lord that healeth thee.—EXODUS 15:26
For I am the Lord, I change not. . . .—MALACHI 3:6
God Is Still in the Healing Business
The Lord said to Israel, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” God was Israel’s healer, so God provided physical healing under the
Old Covenant. But some people don’t believe that the Lord heals today under the New Covenant. Now the children of Israel were never sons of God; they were only servants of God. Since God did not want His servants sick —since He had made provision for them to be well and live their
full life out down here on earth without sickness or disease—why would He want something less for His sons? Wouldn’t it be strange for God to want His servants to be well, but His sons to be sick?
Under the New Covenant, we are God’s sons. In the New Testament, Peter says, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil . . .” (Acts
10:38). This revelation from the Apostle Peter tells us that those Jesus healed were oppressed of the devil. So Jesus is the healer, and Satan is the oppressor. This text tells us that Satan is the author of sickness and disease. In the Old Testament, there is no dispute that God was the healer and Satan was the one who made people sick. Yet many people today say that God is not in the healing business
anymore. No! God is still in the same business that He has always been in, and the devil is in the same business that he has always been in. God is doing the same works that He has always done, and the devil is doing the same works that he has always done. They have not changed.
God does not change. Since He provided healing for His servants under the Old Covenant, He also provides healing for
me, His child, today.


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