Well Days’ On The Earth

Health Food – October 24

By Rhema Team, Oct 24, 2020

‘Well Days’ On The Earth

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. — 3 JOHN 2

I was reading after an internationally known Full Gospel Bible teacher. He was someone whom I esteemed highly. Now I didn’t agree with everything he said. But, you know, you can disagree on some things without being disagreeable. In many different areas, he blessed me. For example, he was an excellent Bible teacher in the area of the Holy Spirit.

In a particular article he wrote, he said, “‘With long life’ is not a New Testament blessing. God only promised long life to those in the Old Testament.”

I thought to myself, I’d rather follow Paul than follow him. I mean, if long life isn’t a blessing that you get under the New Testament, why did Paul say, “Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth” (Eph. 6:2–3)? Paul was writing to the Church at Ephesus, a New Testament church.

God wants you to be well and to live long on the earth. If you’re always sick and in doctors’ offices and hospitals, are those “well days” on the earth? No! Why would the Spirit of God instruct Paul to tell people to get something they couldn’t get? He didn’t. Long life is promised to all!

If you haven’t believed that long life belongs to you, repent. Turn around and get back in the truth so that you can stand in the Presence of God and walk on in the light.

Confession: God wants me to be well and live long on the earth. I change my thinking to line up with the Word of God. I believe that long life is promised to me!

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.


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