11thSeptember 2020
It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High
It is amazing how many people wake up in the morning, and the first thing that they do is read the newspapers, which often brings us bad news about wars, unrest, disasters, financial collapses, violence, unemployment, famines, and new strains of deadly viruses.
Now, please understand that I am not against reading or watching the news, but I want to encourage you to start your day with Jesus instead, practicing His presence, acknowledging Him, committing your plans to Him, and trusting Him for His unmerited favor, wisdom, and strength for the day. Remember to be like Joseph in the Bible. The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man! Your success does not come as a result of you being updated about the latest virus or you being cued in to the latest disaster. No, your success will come as a result of your being tuned in to the presence of Jesus in your life!
There are many people in my church who start the day each morning by partaking of the Holy Communion, not as a ritual, but as a time to remember Jesus and the power of His cross. They look to Jesus for His strength, receiving His divine life for their physical bodies as they partake of the bread. They renew their consciousness of their free gift of righteousness purchased by the blood of Jesus on the cross as they partake of the cup. What a way to start the day!
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