
Showing posts from August, 2020


JOSEPH PRINCE GRACE INSPIRATIONAL 31August, 2020 Text: Proverbs  14:30    A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones. The best way to know if you are embroiled in the things of the world is to be objective and ask yourself this: "Is my heart troubled?" I believe that the number one killer in the modern world is stress. Medical doctors in my church have told me that if a patient has high blood pressure, they can advise the patient to cut down on sodium. They can also advise their patients to cut down on other excesses such as sugar or cholesterol. But as doctors, there is one thing that they cannot control in their patients, and that is their patients' stress levels. I personally believe that the physical root cause of many medical conditions today is stress. Stress can produce all kinds of imbalances in your body. It can cause you to age prematurely, give you rashes, cause gastric pains and even lead to abnormal growths in your body...

Doing Philippians 4:7,8

Faith Food – August 29 By Rhema Team, Aug 29, 2020 Doing Philippians 4:7,8 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.  — PHILIPPIANS 4:7,8 Many people want what verse 7 talks about, but they don’t want to do what verse 6 says to do in order to get it. In order to get what verse 7 says, you have to practice verse 6, which we studied yesterday. People who worry and fret, continually think on the wrong side of life. They continually talk unbelief. If something isn’t true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report, then don’t think about it. Make it meet all these qualifications. Some things you hear may be true, but they may not be pure and ...

God’s Word Is Good

Health Food – August 29 By Rhema Team, Aug 29, 2020 God’s Word Is Good Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.  — JEREMIAH 1:12 I remember another situation in which I had to act on what the banker said. I needed a car that could pull my trailer up mountainous roads. So I bought a 1955 V8 Chevrolet. Well, I didn’t have the money to buy it. I found a salesman who would let me have it at cost. However, instead of letting me have it at cost, it cost him one hundred and fifty dollars to sell it to me. So I called from California to Garland, Texas, to speak to my banker. I said, “Mr. Mitchell, I am buying a three-quarter ton pick-up truck.” Then I told him the price. He said, “Wow! There’s got to be some mistake here.” So the salesman got on the phone with Mr. Mitchell and said, “I’m staying with the figure I gave him. We made a mistake. We figured it wrong. He’s getting the truck at one hundred and fifty dollars less than what we put in...


JOSEPH PRINCE DAILY DEVOTIONAL AUGUST 28, 2020 THE INTIMATE LOVE OF THE FATHER 2 Corinthians  6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Not too long ago, Lydia, a sister from South Africa, wrote to me. I believe that many of you would be able to identify with what she shared about her struggles in relating to God as her Father: "Dear Pastor Prince," "I grew up with very low self-esteem, having been labeled the difficult child in my family. I was an unplanned baby, and my parents already had one child—a girl, so they really wanted a boy. They were disappointed when I turned out to be a girl and even considered giving me to a paternal family member who did not have children." "My dad comes from a very cold, strict family, and he has a very bad temper, so I grew up naturally fearful of him and always felt like I was walking on eggshells around him. My mom also grew up in a household where she had not rec...


JOSEPH PRINCE DAILY DEVOTIONAL August 27, 2020 Text: Isaiah 53:4 - 5 Isaiah  53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.   53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Message One of the most evil teachings that I have heard is that God will chastise His own with sicknesses, diseases, accidents, and tragedies. When I was a teenager, one of the youth leaders in my previous church was involved in a horrible accident that nearly killed him. A church leader gathered some of us youths to go visit that youth leader and began to lament, "Why did this happen to him? What did he do to cause God to chastise him this way?" Can you imagine how I felt when I "realized" that God was behind the accident? Honestly, it frightened the living daylights out of me to think that God would c...

Obey the voice of the Lord

Health Food – August 26 By Rhema Team, Aug 26, 2020 Obey The Voice Of The Lord And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.  — DEUTERONOMY 28:2 After the man who had been burned was healed, I took the next one aside and dealt with him individually. I asked him what was wrong with him. Then I said to him, “The Lord said, ‘Run!’” He whirled around and started running. Eleven out of the twelve were instantly healed as they obeyed God. When I got to the twelfth one, I said, “Are you ready to run?” I thought she would be just as thrilled as the rest of them were and take off running. Instead, she said, “Oh, Brother Hagin, I can’t run. I have arthritis.” I said to her, “Didn’t you hear as I talked to the other people? In fact, a woman who couldn’t even walk down to the front by herself was healed. Three men had to hold her up. She had arthritis, too, but as she started to run, her body straightened out and was al...


JOSEPH PRINCE DAILY DEVOTIONAL August 26, 2020 Psalms 91:16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation. God's heart is never for you to die prematurely, nor to live a life that is miserable. Psalm 91:16 says, "With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation." This means that God not only wants you to have a long life, but He also wants you to have a satisfying life that is full of His peace, provision and joy! In the verse, the word "salvation" is the Hebrew word Yeshua, the name of Jesus. So God will satisfy you with a long life that is full of Jesus and His grace! Chronic illness, depression or a short life is not, and will never be, part of God's plan for you. He wants you to experience a long, full life in which you walk in all the blessings of health, wholeness and provision that He has given you through Jesus!

Rise And Walk

Health Food – August 25 By Rhema Team, Aug 25, 2020 Rise And Walk Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.  — JOHN 5:8 In 1950, I was preaching at a meeting in Oklahoma, and at the close of my sermon, the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Minister to those who have anything wrong with them from their hips down.” So I just spoke that out. Well, twelve people came. The first man looked like he was sitting down, but he was scooting his feet along because his legs were drawn up. I asked him what was wrong, and he explained that he had been burned. In fact, that was the first day he had been out of bed in a whole year. He had spent six months in the hospital and six months in the bed at home. His legs were burned so deeply that the muscles and ligaments had left his legs drawn up. When the Lord said to  minister  to these people, I thought He meant to lay hands on them. But as the people were coming down to the front, the word of the Lord came to me again sayi...


August 24, 2020 Joseph Prince Daily Devotional Text: Psalms 23:1-3 When I was a young believer, I heard a preacher say, "In order to draw a straying lamb to him, a shepherd will break its legs. When it's unable to walk, he will nurse the lamb back to health. Once it's healthy again, the lamb will be attached to him." That terrifying picture of a shepherd stuck in my head for years! One day, I was able to ask a real shepherd if that story was true. Aghast, he replied, "That's nonsense! What kind of shepherd does that?" Sadly, there are people today who still believe this nonsense. Beloved, Jesus is our good shepherd (see John 10:11). When He is your shepherd, you will not want for anything. He is your supply of everything you need. He does not "break your legs".  Instead, He leads you to places of rest, refreshing, healing, and renewal of strength!

Meditating In The Word

Faith Food – August 23 By Rhema Team, Aug 23, 2020 Meditating In The Word This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.  — JOSHUA 1:8 How can your spirit be educated and trained? How can your spirit be built up in strength? There are four steps: (1) Meditating in the Word; (2) Practicing the Word; (3) Giving the Word first place; and (4) Obeying your spirit. We will study these four steps in coming days. What God said to Joshua will work for everyone. If God didn’t want Joshua to be prosperous, why did He tell him how to prosper? If God didn’t want Joshua to be successful, why did He tell him how to have good success? But God wanted Joshua to be prosperous and successful. And He wants  you  to be prosperous and successful too! Furthermore, God has given us direc...

Act On What Jesus Said

Health Food – August 23 By Rhema Team, Aug 23, 2020 Act On What Jesus Said And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.  — MARK 2:12 Was the man who was lowered through the roof healed on the faith of his four friends alone? No, the man had to have faith too. How do we know that he had faith? Well, how many bedfast people would let someone carry them to the roof of a house? Most bedfast people would say, “Wait a minute. Maybe we’ll see Jesus when the service is over. I’m already bedfast, and if you happened to drop me, I’ll surely break some bones. I’d be in a mess then.” But this man who was lowered through the roof permitted himself to be carried up to the roof by four men. He believed that something was going to happen, or he wouldn’t have let them take him up there. Jesus said to the bedfast man,  “. . . Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way in...

Believing Is Having

Health Food – August 21 By Rhema Team, Aug 21, 2020 Believing Is Having Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.  — JOHN 6:47 The same Greek word translated  everlasting  is also translated  eternal . Here it’s describing the God-kind of life, which never ends. In other words, Jesus was saying, “He that believeth on Me has the God-kind of life.” Notice the phrase: “He that believeth  hath .” You see, believing is having. That’s the way you have whatever God has made available to you in His Word—by believing it. Believing is possessing. Many times, people substitute mental assent, or mental agreement, for believing. They agree that the Bible is true and even admire the Word of God. They confess that every word of the Bible is true. But they don’t possess anything, because they’re just mentally agreeing to it. But real believing is possessing; it’s having. Someone once said, “Believing ends in the glad confession, ‘It’s mine. ...

‘I Want You To Pray’

Health Food – August 20 By Rhema Team, Aug 20, 2020 ‘I Want You To Pray’ Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  — JAMES 5:14 The pastor continued, “When I got there, the boy had lapsed into unconsciousness. The doctor said he would never regain consciousness. He said that he would die. So I asked the mother, ‘What do you want me to do?’ “She said, ‘I want you to pray. I just don’t believe it’s the will of God for us to lose the only child we’ve got. It’s not the will of God that he die at nine years of age. I just can’t accept that. I don’t believe that. I want you to pray.’” So the pastor asked the mother if she had any olive oil. She went into the kitchen and brought some back. He prayed and anointed the child. The boy opened his eyes and said, “Mama, Mama.” And he was all right. Then the pastor said to his listening audience, “I’ve been doing that for some of my church folks. ...

God Will Heal You

Health Food – August 18 By Rhema Team, Aug 18, 2020 God Will Heal You When he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him. And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, THOU CANST make me clean.  — MATTHEW 8:1–2 Notice what the leper said: “Thou canst.” We would say today, “You’re able to.” You see, he already believed that Jesus was able to do it. But he wasn’t sure if Jesus was  willing  to do it. Then Jesus put forth His hand, touched him, and said, “I will” (Matt. 8:3). Jesus never said, “I won’t.” Of all the people who ever came to Jesus for healing, Jesus never said, “It’s not My will to heal you. God’s trying to teach you a lesson. You just be patient in this, and let patience have her perfect work.” Not one single time did Jesus ever say that. And no man has any right to say it to others in His Name, because Jesus Himself never said it. Settle on God’s willingness to heal you. He not only  can , but He...

The Presence Of God May Not Heal You

Health Food – August 16 By Rhema Team, Aug 16, 2020 The Presence Of God May Not Heal You And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.  — MATTHEW 9:27 If you stopped reading this story at verse 27, you could hold up the two blind men as a perfect example of people who prayed but did not receive an answer. And verse 28 says,  “And when he  [Jesus]  was come into the house, the blind men came to him. . . .”  Even though the blind men were in the Presence of Jesus, they were still blind. That illustrates this fact: Merely coming into the Presence of God will not save or heal you. Today people seem to think that just going to meetings, or just getting under certain spiritual influence, will bring them their blessings. Well, those are steps in the right direction. But if people just stop there, they haven’t gone far enough. Many even present themselves at the altar for salvation or healing and are...

Pray In Faith

Health Food – August 15 By Rhema Team, Aug 15, 2020 Pray In Faith And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.  — JAMES 5:15 Many people have been praying for years and are in the same boat they were in when they first began praying. Things haven’t changed at all. Some people have been praying for forty years, and it seems they’re no nearer to the answer now than when they first began praying. I am not belittling prayer, because prayer is important. But prayer alone will not save your spirit or heal your body. Some people have been praying all their lives and are still not saved. I prayed for years. I can’t remember the first time I prayed. As far as I know, I’ve been praying all my life. I do not have any conscious moment of not praying. Yet in all those years of praying, I wasn’t saved. Now I know exactly when I did get saved, because it took more than prayer to save me. And it takes more ...

The Voice Of The Holy Spirit

Faith Food – August 14 By Rhema Team, Aug 14, 2020 The Voice Of The Holy Spirit While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.  — ACTS 10:19 God leads by an inward witness. He leads by what we call the still, small voice — the voice of our own spirits. And he also leads by the Voice of the Spirit of God speaking to us. This is more authoritative than the still, small voice. When this Voice speaks, it is so real, you may look around to see who said it — even though it comes from inside you! There have been times I’ve heard the Voice of the Spirit and to me it was audible, although others near me didn’t hear it. It must have seemed audible to the child Samuel, too, yet Eli the prophet didn’t hear it. However, this isn’t the ordinary way God leads. I have found in all my years of ministry that every time God has spoken in a spectacular way, such as in an audible voice (at least to me it was audible), there was rough sailing ahead. And if He h...

We Will Either Doubt Or Have Faith

Health Food – August 12 By Rhema Team, Aug 12, 2020 We Will Either Doubt Or Have Faith A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  — JAMES 1:8 We checked up on Margene’s mother and father several years later when her mother was eighty-nine years old. She still did all her housework. She had a better, clearer mind than even her daughters had! At sixty-seven, she was sitting around, out of her mind, making funny, unintelligible sounds. But at eighty-nine, she had a sharp mind and was able to function just fine. How can you receive the best that God has for you? Well, first, be hungry and thirsty for God and His best. Resist doubt constantly. The only cure for doubt is faith in God’s Word. Act on the Word. Believe it for what it says. Act on the Word of God and receive all of its promises. There is no other way. The Spirit of God said through James,  “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. ...

Don’t Be Moved By What You See

Health Food – August 10 By Rhema Team, Aug 10, 2020 Don’t Be Moved By What You See Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. — HEBREWS 11:1 Back when we were pastoring, I remember a woman who brought her mother from another county to see us. Margene brought her mother, who was sixty-seven years old and had been in the asylum at Wichita Falls, Texas, because she had lost her mind. Margene explained to us that the state authorities had contacted her and her two sisters to see if one of them would keep their mother. The state said they would pay for the daughter to keep her mother. The mother had not responded to institutional care. Those at the institution told Margene, “We can’t help your mother. Her mind will never be right.” She was unsaved and not expected to live much longer. She was going to die and go to hell. When I looked into the mother’s eyes, I noticed that they didn’t look right. They were dull and listless. Margene shook her mother, pu...

Waiting On God

Faith Food – August 9 By Rhema Team, Aug 9, 2020 Waiting On God But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  — ISAIAH 40:31 Except for that one time when I got fleeced, I never missed it when I made a change in churches or ministry. “What did you go by — a fleece?” No, I went by what the inward witness said. If I had to, I would wait awhile before God. If I had to, I would wait all night long or I might fast a day or so — not that fasting will change God. It won’t. God never changes. He’s the same  before  I fast,  while  I fast, and  after  I fast. But fasting changes  me . The time I would have spent eating, I prayed and waited on God. I would spend more time in the Word. Then my spirit man would become dominant. So I waited until I knew on the inside of me what God wanted me to do. And I never got fleeced again. Confe...

The Executive Of The Godhead

Health Food – August 9 By Rhema Team, Aug 9, 2020 The Executive Of The Godhead Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.  — JOHN 16:7 The Holy Spirit is the only executive of the Godhead on the earth today. In other words, He’s the One who’s here to carry out the orders of God. You have to cooperate with Him in your prayer life, because the Holy Spirit is the One who helps you. And when it comes to healing, the Holy Spirit is the One who executes the healing in your body that Jesus bought and paid for on your behalf. According to First Peter 2:24, Jesus already purchased your healing: “By whose stripes you were healed.” You’re not  going to be  healed; you  were  healed. That means that in the mind of God, you were healed back when the stripes were laid on Jesus’ back. In the mind of God, you’re already healed. In the mind of Je...

Healing And Deliverance Come By Faith

Health Food – August 8 By Rhema Team, Aug 8, 2020 Healing And Deliverance Come By Faith If ye shall ask any thing in my [Jesus’] name, I will do it . — JOHN 14:14 When this man with TB of the spine walked back to his seat, I wondered why what I’d done didn’t work. I walked back behind the pulpit, and, suddenly, Jesus stood right in front of me. I saw Him just as plain as I saw the pulpit. It was an open vision. No one but me saw Him. Jesus put His finger right up under my nose and said, “ I said , ‘In My Name, the demon or demons will have to go!’” No one else saw or heard Him (although they did hear what I said in reply), but I saw and heard Him. I said, “Lord, I know You told me to call them out in Your Name and the demon or demons would have to go. I told it to go, but it didn’t leave.” Jesus again put His finger right up under my nose and almost touched it. He said, “ I said , ‘In My Name, call them out! In My Name, the demon or demons will have to go!’” I said, “Lord, I know You s...

Unbelief Is An Enemy!

Health Food – August 7 By Rhema Team, Aug 7, 2020 Unbelief Is An Enemy! And he  [Jesus]  did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.  — MATTHEW 13:58 At a meeting in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, years ago, a man stood in the healing line. I asked him, “What did you come for?” He said, “I have TB of the spine. My spine is as stiff as a poker; I don’t have any movement.” This man couldn’t move his back. He could move his neck just a little bit. I laid one hand on his chest and one hand on his back. I felt that fire jump from hand to hand, so I knew his body was oppressed by a demon. I said, “I command you, foul spirit, that oppresses this body to come out of him [I meant out of his body.].” The man had been saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and was a member of a Full Gospel church. The demon was not in his spirit. It was in his body. His back was as stiff as a board. After I said, “Come out of him in the Name of Jesus,” I missed it. Remember, Peter missed it after ...

Give No Place To The Devil!

Health Food – August 6 By Rhema Team, Aug 6, 2020 Give No Place To The Devil! Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  — JAMES 4:7 Now about a year later, I was at a church for just one service on a Saturday night. As I was sitting on the platform and looking the crowd over, my eyes fastened on this young man who just a year before had been delivered from epilepsy. The Spirit of God said to me, “After you cast that spirit out of him, he didn’t have one single epileptic seizure for a whole year. But in the last thirty days, he has had three attacks. And they have all come on him in the nighttime while he was asleep. The reason that he woke up in a seizure is that he went to bed afraid. Now cast that thing out of him again and teach him how to stand against the devil.” Well, I got up to preach and told the young man to come down to the front. He came down, and I said, “When I was here last year, you were healed of epilepsy. That thing left you...

Jesus Heals All Those Oppressed By The Devil

Health Food – August 5 By Rhema Team, Aug 5, 2020 Jesus Heals All Those Oppressed By The Devil How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.  — ACTS 10:38 There was a twelve-year-old boy in one of the churches my wife and I pastored who virtually grew up in the church. After I left pastoring to go out on the evangelistic field, my wife and I went back to that church to hold a meeting. A young man about eighteen years old came up in line during one of the services for prayer. He had just graduated from high school. I asked him what was wrong with him, because I usually asked people, “What am I praying for?” I wanted to find out whether to pray for healing or the baptism of the Holy Spirit, because I put everyone in the same line and called it a prayer line. He said, “Brother Hagin, when you were the pastor here, I never had any problems. But after I got out of ...

Stirred Up

Faith Food – August 2 By Rhema Team, Aug 2, 2020 Stirred Up Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee  . . . . — 2 TIMOTHY 1:6 A woman got us out of bed at 2 o’clock one morning, crying, “If I could just get back to where I was with God.” I assumed she had committed some terrible sin, so I said, “Kneel down here and tell the Lord about it. He will forgive you.” She said, “I have searched my heart and as far as I know, I haven’t done anything wrong.” I said, “Then what makes you think you have to get back to God?” “Well,” she said, “I just don’t  feel  like I used to.” I was visibly aggravated with her. I told her if I went by my feelings right then, she’d have to pray for  me ! But I showed her what to do: I told her to watch and listen as I prayed. Then I said, “Dear Lord, I’m so glad I’m a child of God. I’m so glad I’ve been born again. I don’t feel anything, but that doesn’t have anything to do with it. My inward man i...

Faith Gives Action To The Power

Health Food – August 2 By Rhema Team, Aug 2, 2020 Faith Gives Action To The Power Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?  — MATTHEW 17:19 In Matthew 17:19, the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t cast the devil out of the boy. They were troubled because they had been casting devils out and ministering successfully to others. So why couldn’t they do it this time? It wasn’t because they didn’t have the power, because they did. Jesus gave it to them in Matthew 10:1, and they had been ministering to the sick and casting out devils with that power. If they hadn’t been, they wouldn’t have asked, “Why could we not cast this one out?” The disciples had a reputation of ministering to people. Jesus said unto them,  “Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” ...