Take Back What The Devil Has Stolen!
Health Food – May 7
By Rhema Team, May 7, 2020
Take Back What The Devil Has Stolen!
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. — JOHN 10:10
Years ago, while I was holding a meeting in Port Arthur, Texas, a Methodist woman came up to me and said, “Brother Hagin, I don’t know much about healing. For seventeen years I haven’t been able to do my housework or cook breakfast for my husband. I haven’t been able to function as a wife and mother because of bad health. And after spending thousands of dollars, doctors have admitted that they just can’t help me. I’ve been in the prayer lines of some of the most outstanding healing evangelists of our day. But I didn’t realize how important the Word of God was in receiving healing until I heard you teach today. I’m coming back tomorrow.”
Well, she came back the third day and the fourth day. Every day she came, she got stronger. I never even prayed for her. She never got in the healing line. As far as I know, no one prayed for her. We eventually closed out the meeting and left.
About thirty days later, I received a letter from her that said, “I am the Methodist lady who told you that I didn’t realize the reality of the Word of God and the Name of Jesus. I’ve been listening to tapes from your services and following along in my Bible. One day, I just suddenly stood up, lifted up my Bible in one hand, and said, ‘Devil, it’s you who has had me bound all these seventeen years. I haven’t been able to do my housework. I haven’t been able to function as a human being. I demand my rights! Get out of my house and leave right now in the Name of Jesus!’
“Brother Hagin, it’s so wonderful! For the first time in seventeen years, I’m doing all my housework. I’m getting up every morning and cooking breakfast for my husband. I’m getting him off to work. I’m forty-six years old, but I’ve got the vim, vigor, and vitality of a sixteen-year-old. I’m so glad you came along and taught me!”
Confession: The devil is the one who brings sickness and disease, not God. I take back what the devil has stolen from me! I demand my rights in the Name of Jesus!
Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.
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