Provide for Your Own
Saturday February 1st 2020
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Provide for Your Own
Memory verse: - 1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Bible Reading: - 1 Tim 5: 1 – 25
We did not hear or read from the scriptures that Paul married; he devoted his life wholly to God and Christ and became one of the holy men God used tremendously to write most of the epistles of the New Testament; a man subject to like passion as we are but refused to confer with flesh and blood immediately after his salvation, throughout his lifetime and to the point of death. He did not hide any truth from the body of Christ; he fed them with the word publicly and from house to house.
You as man or woman having your own children ought to feed them with word earnestly, diligently and with prevailing prayers till Christ be form in them. Spiritual meal is the utmost bread and bread of life that we need to give to our family; it is the most needful thing that must not be taken from us by cares of this world. If you nurture and bring them up by the word of God, great shall be their peace and you will also have rest even at your old age.
Physical needs – food, shelter and raiment must by both the father and mother be made available for their children according to the scriptures. The father who as the head of the family is to make all these needs available and the wife is to support the husband as his help meet.
Gen 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Since the man has not used his authority in preventing you from working, then you ought as a wife to reciprocate this kind gesture by supporting him whenever the need arises in all ramifications and with due respect for the Lord is at hand. Even the widow are expected to requite [show goodness and godliness] and avenge [reciprocate the labour of their parents] their relations. When you keep your own and allow the man to stress himself beyond measure, then you have denied the faith and worse than an infidel.
As a man, if you neglect your responsibility of caring and providing for your family, you have denied the faith and you are worse than an infidel. I urge you therefore to labour with your hand in all wisdom and provide for your family so that they will be happy to receive the spiritual meal capable of making them have victory because spiritual controls the physical.
Confession of the Day
I will by the grace of God provide for my own family physically and will not neglect to feed them spiritually.
Prayer Points
Father in heaven, I pray you give me power and wisdom to get wealth so that I can provide all the physical needs of my family. Inspire me as well to feed them spiritually so that they can live a balance Christian life to the glory of your name.
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