Endure It

Tuesday 31st December, 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Endure It
Memory verse: - Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Bible Reading: - Matthew 10:1 – 42
Christ our saviour and his followers suffered cruel and sorer persecutions from Sanhedrin and gentiles for standing uncompromisingly for the truth testifying against the world that her work is evil and nothing else; and they happily endured it, so must we that are in Christ Jesus be ready to endure as many of persecution and tribulation that might come our ways as a result of preaching the gospel to all and sundry.
They did not suffer as thieves or as busybodies in other men’s matter; they did not endure lack, poverty, hunger, satanic afflictions and sickness, rather they reigned over them. Jesus our Lord and saviour was able to care for twelve, yea seventy disciples without lack all through his ministry here on earth. He and his followers did not endure sickness or affliction because they have no place in them.
Sickness, affliction, lack and poverty are not things we must endure; we must reject them for they are not suppose to reign over us. It is written “beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth” and that the inhabitants of the land, of the kingdom of God shall not say I am sick; ye shall serve the Lord and he shall bless your water and your bread and shall take all sickness from the midst of thee and so on.
We have the promise that God had given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that had called us to glory and virtue; nothing good shall he withhold from him that walk upright, so when lack and infirmity confront us, we need to take hold of the scriptures and reject them while engaging ourselves in godly and profitable business for the scriptures says we must not be slothful in business and in spiritual things we must be fervent.
Therefore, endure persecutions for we must through much tribulations enter into the kingdom of God not poverty, lack or afflictions of the devil. God does not want you sickly and poverty stricken; he wants you well, whole and hearty full of his power to thread upon scorpions and serpents and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nothing from the pit of hell will harm you; lack and poverty will not have dominion over you in Jesus name; but you must endure persecution for we are thereunto called; ye those that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
Confession of the Day
Lack, sickness and oppression of the devil I reject, they shall not reign over me. I shall boldly face trials and persecution uncompromisingly till I reach my home far beyond Jordan.
Prayer Point
Lord, help me to hold unto your banner and serve you everywhere I go with power to say NO! when I am tempted to deny you because of persecution in Jesus name Amen.


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