Your Sin will Find You Out

Saturday 28th September 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Your Sin will Find You Out
Memory verse: - Num32: 23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.
Bible Reading: - Number 32:1 – 42
The phrase “your sin will find you out” was the reply of Moses to the tribe of Gad and Benjamin who decided to settled down on the other side of Jordan with promise not to settle down until other tribes have got their resting place.
Are you one of the spiritual Israelites bought and washed by the blood of the lamb? Then you need to abide in the doctrine of Christ and jettison all other false teachings and practices that are not of Christ. Avoid with passionate hatred what you did not see in Christ for he is enough for us and it is in him alone that we are complete, otherwise your sin of wrong worship shall find you out. Look at Christ whom the father said we should hearken to and do all you see him do; all he bids you to do, you do passionately, otherwise your sin of wrong deeds shall find you out.
He is coming back for those that are watching the way for his second return to catch them home without spot, wrinkle, or filthiness; he is coming for glorious church, he is coming for the wise virgins who had laid their hands on the plough and adamantly refuse to look back. He is coming for those that are in his business with holiness 24/7, he is coming for the pure, plain, forthright and sincere Christians like Nathaniel in whom there is no guile. On that day sinful Christians will regret and weep sore when they discover they are not raptured with other saints for the Lord cannot be mocked; his foundation standest sure, he knows them that are his and let everyone that nameth the name of the Lord departs from iniquity. Sins can make you wonder in this wilderness fruitlessly with much labour with nothing to show for your labour like it happened to the evil spies in the wilderness with those that followed their evil confession. Wrong confessions, wrong worship, wrong teachings and wrong marriage can lead to hell if not repented of. Make your way right today and determine to follow the Lord to the very end; cleave unto him with all purpose of heart and it shall be well with you by and by.
Confession of the Day
I am in the faith today by His special grace and that grace will carry me through to the end.
Prayer Points
Lord, I present myself to you today, cleanse me, purge me, and make me fit to go with you at

your return.


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