Persecution of the Godly

Sunday 1st September 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Persecution of the Godly
Memory verse: - Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2Tim3:12)
Bible Reading: - Acts 22:1 – 22
Persecution of the godly is unavoidable for believers must through many tribulations enter to heaven just because the world is full of darkness and believers are lights to lighten up the earth. Jesus said in this world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world; therefore, believers needs to delight and rejoice in tribulation.
In our text today, the prophecy concerning Paul’s suffering in Jerusalem had just happened and I can see the following:
·         Paul’s defense and faithfulness in tribulation;
·         People’s reaction concerning Paul testimony
When Paul was licensed to speak to the people, he got their attention by speaking in Hebrew language. Have you ever noticed on the evangelism field that people who have turned down the privilege to be witnessed to became alive and willing when they hear you speak their language? It is therefore worthwhile to create time to learn the language of the people you live with so as to bring them into the kingdom of God.
Throughout his defense speech, he was faithful in presenting the gospel to his accusers and haters of the truth without hatred or animosity concerning within him. While passing through this world of sin as a believer, be faithful in preaching the gospel and let them see you live according to what you preached; let not your lifestyle negates your what you preach.
When you go out to preach the word you ought to know that your message of hope and deliverance for the captives of sin will either be accepted or rejected. The people Paul ministered to rejected the message and even wanted him dead. So, let not the attitude of thy hearers discourage you from reaching out to them for you will in no wise lose your reward from faithful God. At this time when it was not convenient Paul still preach the word unto the people. Therefore, preach the word in season and out of season and patiently endure all persecution that may arise as a result of the word.
Confession of the Day
I will do the work of my master during the day for night cometh when no man shall work.
Prayer Points

Lord, I want to be faithful to this mandate of yours; kindly grant me passion and power coupled with wisdom to present the word to the ungodly and eventually bringing them into thy kingdom.


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