A Just Man
August 31, 2019
The Word of Life Daily
A Just Man
verse: - Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her
a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. (Matt 1:19)
Reading: -
Matthew 1:1 – 25
Joseph in our text today we see the following:
Nature: Just
text today revealed that Joseph the husband to be of virgin Mary was troubled
when he perceived that his wife to be was pregnant. This showed that before now
the relationship between him and Mary was platonic, pure and spiritual without
any immoral sin. The act of having carnal knowledge of your would-be wife is
not spiritual but carnal; Joseph and Mary would rise on the last to condemn
believers in the act of fornication and defiling of bed before marriage today. If
they (Joseph and virgin Mary) were able to stand for righteousness to the
extent that they received heaven’s approval in the old testament, then we have
no excuse today even in this dispensation of grace under a better covenant
sealed by the blood of Jesus. Marriage is
honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God
will judge. (He 13:4). Flee fornication
and adultery, it makes you unjust and dirty before God.
Problem and His Action
espoused wife was found conceived and he was so compassionate that he did not
want her to be disgraced and stoned to death. Every saved and just man like Joseph
are compassionate because they have the seed of God in them; they pray for the
conversion of enemies and leave vengeance to God, that is they do not avenge
3. The Thought and the Revelation
he was ruminating on the problem and asking God for the reality of what Mary
would have told him, God sent an angel to him in his dream who revealed to him that
it was from the holy ghost. He knew how to hear from his God; he did not go to
any counsellor or mediator before accepting Mary as his wife. Every just man
like Joseph and the like have pure and sound relationship with God; they do not
think the thought of the devil, rather on things of God that will bring good
4. His Action
He took
Mary his wife and was so discipline to the point that he did not know her until
after the birth of Christ. You should know that God who cannot lie sees in and
out of everyone; he knows man and does not need anybody to testify of man to
him. If he says Joseph did not touch Mary till after the birth of Christ, it is
believed to be sure testimony. Just men are temperate, they have sound self-control
imputed upon them by God through Christ after genuine salvation.
If you
look into the life of Job, Zachariah and Elisabeth, Daniel, Joseph and the like
who Bible confirmed to be holy and just you will see all the features of Joseph
under review in their lives.
about you? If you purge yourself from dirty and carnal things, you shall be fit
for the master use. Come to the fountain of his flowing blood for your cleansing
and purging today; if you be willing and obedient, you shall surely eat the
good of the land. The Lord will definitely cleanse you if you cry unto him for
purging. He is waiting, he wants you to be holy and just.
Confession of the Day
I have
been to Jesus for his cleansing power through his blood and will go again if I see
any stain on my garment of righteousness.
Prayer Points
Lord, here
I come as I am, dirty and defiled, cleanse me, purge me and make me fit for
your use like Joseph and the like in Jesus name.
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