God Hears and Remembers

Tuesday 28th August, 2018
Words of Life Daily Devotional
God Hears and Remembers
Memory Verse: - Ex 2:24 And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.
Bible Reading: - Exodus 2: 1 – 25
The God we serve is a living God; he is the God that created heaven and earth, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He hears our cries and remembers his innumerable promises to us all; he does wonderful things far above our imaginations.
The children of Israel groaned and cried unto God by reason of their bondage and God of heaven heard their cry and remembered his covenant with their forefathers. He is a God of knowledge as you are and by him actions are weighed. They cried and he heard them, then he took action. Note that no action was taken until they cried unto him.
He said in Jer 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. He will hear you if you call upon him and he will show you great and mighty things that you know not. He will as well deliver you from all your oppressions and afflictions, he is your creator and your heavenly father; he is not a respecter of any man, and with him is no variableness of turning.
It requires watchfulness and attentiveness after you might have prayed to know what he is telling you to do. If you are a rebel, a sinner, doing contrary to his will as a stranger to the commonwealth of Israel; he will send his messengers to you like he did for Cornelius in Acts 10: 1 – 48 to show you what to do and if you hearken to them he will show himself great on your behalf.
He said if you call he will answer, he cannot lie; just call unto him and listen. Behold Daniel in Babylon who was about to be slaughtered by a king who dreamt and forgot the dream himself; yet wanted the dream told by someone and its meaning, but Daniel called upon God and he showed him the dream and its meaning.
You and I are serving the same God today, he has not changed for he said I am God I change not and that is why ye the children of Israel are not consumed. Just take iniquity far away from thee because it hinders answers to prayers; God does not answer a sinner but if you are a devout man who does the will of God he will hear you. The Lord will hear when you call in JESUS name.
Therefore, wipe away your tears and call upon him like children of Israel and he will rise on your behalf and will not rest until your problems are solved.
Someone puts it this way:
I will not keep quiet;
And God will not rest;
I will pray, pray and pray until my case is settled. Therefore pray, ask, seek and knock till you are answered.
Confession of the Day
I will not let you [GOD] go unless you bless me.
Prayer Points
Lord teach me to pray and pour upon me the spirit of supplications that I will pray with groaning that cannot be uttered. 


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