When You Miss It

Faith Food Devotional

When You Miss It

July 27, 2018

“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God” (1 John 3:20-21). 

If you’re a Christian, does the Holy Spirit condemn you if you do wrong? 

No. It is your spirit that condemns you. This is something we need to learn. We haven’t learned it yet, because we’ve been taught wrong. 

The Holy Spirit will not condemn you. Why? Because God won’t condemn you. Study what Paul wrote in Romans 8. He asked, “Who is it that condemns? Does God condemn? No, it is God who justifies.” 

Jesus said that the only sin the Holy Spirit will convict the world of is the sin of rejecting Jesus (John 16:7-9). 

I’ve found that even when I've missed it, the Holy Spirit in me is the One who shows me the way out. He comforts me. He helps me. He doesn’t condemn me. 

So it is your conscience, the voice of your spirit that condemns you when you miss it. It is your spirit that knows the very moment when you have done wrong. 

Confession: My spirit is born of God. My spirit is fed on God’s Word. My spirit is indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is a safe guide. When my spirit warns me of wrong, I obey it instantly. For if my heart condemns me not, then I have confidence toward God. 

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. 
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications


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