Make Them Behold Him

Words of Life Daily Devotional
Make Them Behold Him
Memory Verse: - Jn 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Bible Reading: -  John 1: 1 – 51
John the Baptist said He [JESUS] must increase and that he must decrease and this was manifested in his action when he pointed Jesus Christ to his followers that behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. This declaration made two of his disciples to follow Jesus Christ; one of the two that followed Jesus was Andrew, Simeon Peter’s brother. He looked for his brother and brought him to Jesus. Peter later became the pillar of the early church to whom Jesus committed the spiritual welfare of the other disciples when he resurrected before ascending to heaven.
You never can tell how mighty that person you lead to Christ shall be in the Kingdom. That is the reason why you should do all things possible to point them to Christ alone like John the Baptist. Do not lead them to church without Christ who can redeem them, neither should you preach the founder of the church who is an instrument in the hand of God.
John the Baptist was called even from the womb for the purpose of pointing men to Christ and you [a believer] were called from the miry clay of sin and from the dirty world to do likewise – to call out your friend, colleagues, brother, sister, parent and relations from the world of vanity to Christ Jesus.
Obedience to this great commission by some people brought into the kingdom of God great men of God like Charles G. Finney, Kenneth Hagin, Smith Wigglesworth, Kumuyi, Joseph Ayo Babalola, Enoch Adeboye, Olukoya, to mention but a few. In like manner your simple obedience can bring that great person who God can use to deliver many from the oppression of the devil.
Arise and diligently make the proclamation, point them to Jesus and make them behold him alone. The baton is in your hand now, do not spoil the race and let not the investment of heaven and suffering of Christ to save you be in vain. Open your mouth like John the Baptist and point them to Jesus the saviour of the whole wide world. Let them know he was the only one that died and shed his blood for the remission of their sins, no other person or prophet did, he was raised from the death on the third day for our justification, no other prophet did, he was conceived without virgin Mary coming into contact with any man, no other prophet was born that way. He is a Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the whole world.
Jesus himself called his disciples for that purpose; he said follow me and I will make you a fisher of men [Matt 4:19]. He also said in Mark 13:37 that “……what I say unto you I say unto all……” He said go into the world and preach the gospel unto the whole nation. Are born again? Have you given your life to Christ the Lord and master of the saints? Then go and share this experience with others in the mire of sins of adultery, fornication, idolatry, strife, hatred etc. pointing them to Christ the saviour of the world. God will help you to follow his banner and serve him everywhere you go in Jesus name.
Confession of the Day
I will make them behold him for their salvation as much as it lieth in me.
Prayer Points
God help me and the saints still alive to make Him known to the people in our little corner so that they can behold him for their salvation.


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