The Name of Jesus Belongs to You
Health Food Devotional December 31, 2017 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. (Phil. 2:10) The Name of Jesus belongs to us as believers. We have a right to use the Name of Jesus. The right to use Jesus' Name is a blessing given to the Church, to every child of God. We have a fourfold right to use the Name. First, we're born into the family of God, and the Name belongs to the family. Second, we're baptized into the Name. And being baptized into the Name, we're baptized into Christ Himself. Third, the Name was conferred upon us by Jesus. He gave us the power of authority. And fourth, we're commissioned as ambassadors to go and herald the Name of Jesus among the nations. We're representatives of Christ. Now I can't find in the Bible where it says we need to have any special faith to use the Name of Jesus, because the Name already belongs to us. You don't n...