Ephesian 1 : 3   Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Ephesian 2 : 6   And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:   

Rom 5 : 17    For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)


Whether or not believers are victorious over the devil depends on what view they have of themselves as the Church   -   MILITANT, DEFEATED, OR TRIUMPHANT

Church is the called out people from sin unto righteousness, from kingdom of darkness to the marvelous light of Christ, from satanic oppression to dominion over demons, Satan and power of darkness. They are the translated people that sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; they are hid in Christ who is in God. But there are three types of the called out people ( the church);
  • the militant church
  • the defeated church and
  • the triumphant church 
Militant church are body of believers who are the so - so Christians, church goers, follow follow and fair weather believers. they are not seated in heavenly places in Christ and are still battling to try to gain the victory over an enemy that has not been defeated by our Lord Jesus Christ.To them devil is not yet defeated, they fear him and still seek for help elsewhere secretly and still profess to be Christians, they still indulge in one sin or the other.

Defeated church portraits believers that are truly converted but are ignorant of their position in Christ: that they are supposed to be reigning in life through Christ Jesus. Ignorance hindered them from exercising the authority they really possess. Believers in this category are constantly ravaged by the wiles of Satan and in state of continual failure and defeat.

But the triumphant church is the biblical perspective of the Body of Christ seated with Him in heavenly places far above all powers and principalities. They are the body of believers who not only know but exercise their authority in Christ and as a result reign victoriously in life through Jesus Christ over Satan, a defeated foe
Considering the three of them, which one do you belong to; militant, defeated or triumphant.
Thought for the day: My position in Christ Jesus is a position of authority, honor, and triumph - not failure, depression, and defeat.


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