Possess The Land!
Health Food – March 31 By Rhema Team, Mar 31, 2020 Possess The Land! Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples [examples] : and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. — 1 CORINTHIANS 10:11 The Bible teaches us that what happened to those in the Old Testament happened as examples for us. For example, God delivered Israel out of Egypt, which symbolizes the world, and led them into Canaan’s land. What does Canaan’s land symbolize? In the early years, I was taught that Canaan’s land was a type or foreshadowing of Heaven. But how could Canaan’s land ever symbolize Heaven since there aren’t going to be any battles or enemies in Heaven? There are no giants there who are against us, no cities to take, and no battles to fight in Heaven! I believe that Canaan’s land is a type of the baptism in the Holy Ghost and of our rights and privileges in Christ Jesus, including divine healing. God said to Israel, “I give you the land” (Joshua 1...