Leviticus 1:9 …And the priest shall burn all [the pieces of the bull] on the altar as a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, a sweet aroma to the Lord. When Jesus was on the cross, He did more than just die for your sins. His one sacrifice did not just remove your sins, but it also clothed you in His righteousness and perfection. Jesus became the true “burnt sacrifice”. In the Old Testament, whenever someone offered a burnt sacrifice, the perfection of the animal came on him. In the same way, every perfect attribute of Jesus your “burnt sacrifice” comes on you when you take Him as your Savior. And because God sees you clothed with Christ, you have the same acceptance and favor with Him that Jesus has! When Jesus was offered on the cross, the fire of God brought out His perfections like perfume to God. In that one sacrifice, Jesus’ obedience and perfections rose as “a sweet aroma to the Lord”, which is what is emitted when t...